
Lighthouse Learning Trust takes sustainability seriously and we are pleased to say that the sustainability working group is now up and running.

There are around 20 members of staff in the group, across teaching and support from both colleges. The group meets each term to discuss sustainability related issues and environmentally friendly working spaces around both colleges.

This term we have focused on a digital, paperless processes throughout our operational planning cycle to reduce the vast amounts of paper that are normally used. Our aim is to get all processes online to make them more efficient as well as reducing our paper recycling too!

Regarding saving on energy, we have started to measure this more accurately so that we have meaningful KPIs to report on regularly ensuring that targets are met, and progress is made.

Staff now have laptops so there is no need for them to leave their desktops switched on to be able to remotely access.  The average computer left on uses a staggering 680 kg of carbon per year, so this is a huge saving.  70 staff at Richard Taunton and 85 staff at St Vincent now have laptops.

Our next challenge is to work towards Eco Schools Status at both colleges in the new academic year and to get students more involved with our eco efforts. Students will nominate a sustainability champion at each college who will represent the students’ views and work with the sustainability group to suggest new initiatives that are important to the students.

We hope to start a sustainability related enrichment group, young people are very climate aware and should embrace this enthusiastically.

We were successful with a Low Carbon Skills Fund bid in 2022 which funded decarbonisation plans for both colleges. These plans will inform our Estates plan to align with our sustainability aims within the strategic plan. We are working on a full building approach, by improving the fabric of the building. We have had a new roof at both St Vincent and Richard Taunton which have improved insulation in the buildings to reduce heat loss.

In autumn 2024, the The Art For Earth’s Sake project involved music students from both colleges collaborating on writing and recording two songs highlighting the issue of climate change. They will publish the tracks as a double A-side vinyl single with the help of Indie musician Jack Flanagan. The news story is available to read online.